Thursday, February 16, 2012

10.3kg @ 15 mths

I'm not sure abt her height though. This was the time she took her last dose of pnuemo jab.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Walking milestone

This was an incredible milestone for a baby and once she reaches to this stage, the meaning was to keep an full eye look out on her.  

She reaches this milestone when she was ard 13 months.  Since then till now she is 16 months, she has been an active gal @home.  My play yard could no longer satisfy her or contain her long enough.  She gave me signals that she needs more freedom to roam around the hse. My play yard has now converted to protect my tv console area from her curiosity mind n physique.  I could end up missing my remote ctrl, or keys misplaced at somewhere in the living room due to her playful mindset.  She began to invade into my kitchen, the most dangerous place of all in the entire hse.  Hubby wanted to educate her that kitchen was not a place for her, but we just couldn't stop her from entering the kitchen without our consent.  She is sneaky, when I am focus on something else. She sneaks to the kitchen and opens her favourite drawer that  is right below the oven where all her foods are there.  Her hands will try to reach out on anything that she could grab.  My worst fear is afraid that she opens the drawer where all the glasses are kept.  I better settle a safety gate as soon as I could.